Sunday, December 5, 2021


Kids going down memory lane and started finding a bunch of stuff including wrappers in their stuff. Why is their garbage in your closet? Guess it's equivalent to my junk drawer. I wonder what other people keep from when they were kids. I have my baby blanket still.

Friday, November 26, 2021


Finally down to one box of a mixed bag. I had boxes of stuff that included a junk drawer and it had stuff from a decade ago. I would shove stuff and paper in drawers, notes, flyers so random. Then never unboxed it all these years. Cleaning I like, organizing is avoided if I can keep a space clean in the first place....minus the closets....that's were no stored my boxes of stuff. Feels great to be almost done. Yay, I'm happy about that. I put everything on my bedside table and that forced me to look at it until I cleared the space. That's why I like minimalists, they don't have to organize anything! A little harder when you have kids in terms of using closet space. Cleaned it out so it can be used properly. Late fall clean and spring clean is so satisfying, to me at least. The only time I don't like cleaning is if my kids are in my space, I need space in order to be motivated to clean and organize. Otherwise I can't concentrate, I don't like to be interrupted. That's why things got shoved in the closet forever.

Friday, October 15, 2021


Weird how a lot of things that were my favorite something from when I was a kid, it is hard to remember the names. It would help if it was in English. I remember dreaming in another language as a kid, that is a weird glitch in the matrix. Language is weird because every language has it's own personality beyond the culture.

When it comes to packaged food, the UK has the best quality standards. I think the US is second to them. I think it's important to make your own food or buy from the US most of the time in terms of keeping things within the local economy.

Cold weather equals treats in my book. I want cozy yummy treats.

Thursday, October 7, 2021


Apparently everyone has a love language

Let's see...what's my love language?
Well one is food, hahaha. If any of my kids give me food to I guess that counts as gift giving
Hmmm... definitely quality time

Sunday, September 26, 2021


The thing that I hate about the cold specially is that if you have muscle injuries it hurts so bad. Seasonally, the perks are holiday movies! I didn't grow up watching many holiday movies but I do now. I grew up watching Disney movies but my kids not grow up watching those much. I remember going to blockbuster video. Wierd to think about now since you can buy everything online now. I remember people would go out to kill time. Now it seems no one has time to do everything so they do less of that. I guess it depends where you live.

I remember when I lived in California and it always seemed to be humming even if there was places with no traffic it was filled with people but in a good way. Funny now that I think about it, different parts of California have a different hum. It's warm year round, except for in the mountains. I'm not sure how that had changed or stayed the same but they need to get their forest back, all the forest fires are ruining the beauty of California.

Thursday, September 2, 2021


Fires on California, it's going to look so ugly with all the forests burnt. No wonder people are moving to Texas..the weather is awful in the summer though, would not recommend. Sad for all the animals and everyone who has to loose their homes. Glad I'm not there but sad to see it loose so much

Sunday, February 21, 2021

weird things

So growing up I used to gross out about hygiene, sure everyone can shower everyday to be hygienic BUT the same as cleaning my house, I've thought of efficient ways to do things with the least amount of "work", but actually total accidents!!!!!! My methods are fool proof, so I think, ha! I measure what "works" by determining if it's:

Not messy! (Not oily or pastey)
Cost effective!
Toddler friendly! (easy)
Not time consuming!
Because I want it to be practical, useful and effective to my standards!

Some specific issues it addresses from my "epiphanies"

1) anyone with sensitive gums, I mean the MOST sensitive! I can make your mouth red carpet ready! I used to think I needed a firm toothbrush bristle, I don't. I used to think I needed to go get my mouth professionally cleaned, I don't! (Which is not kind to our teeth and wears down enamel because it's really abrasive) I used to think I needed to buy toothpaste, I don't. When you get sick the first sign of sickness is bad breath!

2) Even though I know body odor is common and often a sign to get your health in balance, I have also found a way to eliminate arm pit odor without deodorant!

Yes, you can eat and balance your health to smell nicer and some ways of doing that is cutting out gluten but for days you have someone else doing the cooking and it contains gluten, you have to reverse the damage. Also you can clear up your skin by eating well BUT I also found ways to pick blackheads without a gadget and without scarring your skin, which I failed at as a teen. My skin as a teen needed saving!

I think people aren't born bad they are just really sick, they had malnutrition, or other imbalance during childhood and they are stuck in old habits/choices. Either they don't know how to overcome or they are so lost to know that there is a less painful way of existing in the world. They've accepted what is currently their reality.

Example of health as a whole package. There are teachings of health and it's a mind and body journey, it's spiritual awakening for those who have felt changed by going to church, it's a mental healing through social community and by being in tune with how you live including what you eat. The community is like therapy, you go because you get feedback on your journey and progress, it keeps you on track and a sense of fulfillment.

Your face along in with your skin is a health map! Your organs health is mapped and shows up, you can dissect your heart, kidneys, and other organ health by looking at your skin and face!

As I write this I laugh because it sounds like a commercial, but that's how I describe stuff, ever since I was a kid and was excited about something or explained what I was thinking, it just how it gets described