Saturday, May 9, 2020


When I reflect back to when I was a kid. I couldn't imagine the world on edge like they are today. I would have hated being homeschooled. Summer break have felt even more non existent.....well sort of. I think I would have enjoyed time with my cousins more...maybe. I could see that being more common than it was. I can not imagine that happening.

People don't believe in global warming, they think it doesn't matter. More animals will be getting sick and more stronger strains of corona viruses will emerge. Bats have a higher temperature and sick bats dont have symptoms. Same with monkeys and HIV aids. Eating animals are causing diseases spread for humans. The flu comes from pork and poultry. People need to wake up to what factory farming and the high demand on meat and dairy products are doing to planet Earth. They pass it off as a joke. If the Country shut off travel when China had their pandemic, it wouldn't be able to spread to new York and Seattle like it has. If you are in denial, you can go volunteer at your local hospital that are taking covid positive patients.

If I was pregnant, especially a 1st time mom. I would be irritated at people's lack of concern. Pregnancy lowers your immune system. No matter how healthy you are, you are still vulnerable. Increase the contagious level and it's such a diservice to an expecting parent. There are children who weren't sick with something else but the virus exposed a weak part of their DNA and made them have a reaction. Or maybe someone had mild symptoms and the virus magnifies those symptoms on top of its own symptoms. The only reason why they shut each country was not enough information on the outbreak. It will hopefully make public places have higher standards now. Hard surfaces simple way to do that but retail with so much soft surfaces is impossible to keep sanitary.

China has a moral obligation more than ever to go vegan. They have a chance to make things right, have potential to be great and treat their people with dignity and need to take responsibility for their choices.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

kids brain storming

I tell my kids if you don't offer a solution, you have no room to complain. That is something that I see a lot happen in the world today. They all pretend they want change but they don't share an idea that fixes anything, they just share a bandaid idea and then complain about it. No more slapping on a band aid! Either stand for something or sit down and stop complaining. Walk the walk, live by example. Make a change and live it fully.

So I told them what is something they would want to happen for the betterment of life, society etc. I'm hoping it inspires them to think deeply about their ideas and what they stand for.

 My answer was if I was put in a department to help, I would probably choose school curriculums. I have a knack for design so it would have to be something that I could be the most useful doing. The school system is something that people keep throwing money at but the quality offered is inconsistent. What would you choose?