Tuesday, October 27, 2020

ee nee mee nee

What's your favorite food?

My taste hasn't changed much from when I was a child. Only difference is I like eating at home compared to when I was little, but that's probably because of my parents choices in food more than my own. I didn't learn to cook from them either. I remember my uncle and his girlfriend at the time showing me a few simple recipes that were good to make when you were hungry and lazy.

When I lived in California it was diverse in food options, but I have always been a picky eater. I think when I was in Monterey, I ordered artichoke soup, it was perfect. I used to eat an Asian soup that had meat in it, I haven't figured how I could recreate that without meat but it was my favorite meal when I was little, I only had it a few times a year. I liked vegan food specifically Hispanic cuisine/burritos. My earliest memory was eating stir fry and a children's combination plate at a Mexican restaurant when I was about 3 years old. I also remember eating lots of sticks of cheese, I feel bad for little me. I can't believe I ate so much darn cheese. Another memory was when I ordered a bento box at this restaurant in Santa Cruz and veggie sushi. I wouldn't eat raw fish much. I liked pickled ginger but would skip the wasabi.

Veggies, tofu, noodles, and fruit are what I am always in the mood for. Mostly savory dishes with a hint of heat, sweet, sour or salty.

My children are picky eaters but they also haven't had a lot of ethnic dishes like I have either, at least not yet. They like simple meals, so at least it isn't difficult to make everyday.

Friday, October 23, 2020

the way you look

You can alter your health in a negative way by getting plastic surgery.

I can look at a person's. Whole face and see how their health is. Even with major surgery, example: Michael Jackson

My favorite is looking at a picture of someone. Over time as you age, the body can change with extremes in hormones and your body will have a very specific look and your lifestyle shows up the most as you get older. Your body keeps a non biased record of you. Transparent and accurate.

I can tell if people are compatibility based off their face health. Friends, coworkers, and couples!

You can tell a woman's ability to give birth (the natural pain level) or fertility all from looking at the face. There is a reason why a doctor asks you to open your mouth and say ahhh! He is checking your state of health.

A lot of times people who have children when they are older don't consider their state of health as they get older as a reason why they experience miscarriage, preterm labor and even infertility. As well as increase in complications when giving birth. A high rate in c-sections in the US over any other developed country AND the highest mother infant mortality rate.

I personally have given birth and I remember hearing horror stories of every woman in my family who had a very bad experience with the labor and delivery experience. That is not okay and it's so wrong that we accept it as normal.

The few things that shouldn't happen when giving birth is inducing just for convenience. If you aren't experiencing delayed birth from your water breaking on its own, over 42 weeks, or have major complications during pregnancy, you should avoid getting petocin, it will cause a higher chance of complications during labor and delivery.

Your health before and during pregnancy will determine the ease and efficiency of giving birth. When you give birth, it's different with your comfort level, every time! I don't care if your children, or husband want to be in the room, if you get a sudden urge for them to leave the room, do it! I had one occurrence where I wanted to be alone, with my second youngest, I wanted complete darkness, door closed, I even said I would yell when I'm done. I wanted to be able to concentrate. A woman needs to be ablento listen to her body and it takes a lot of energy. So what she says goes. If she needs complete silence, just assume she does need that. If you aren't looking for ways to help or get out of the way, you shouldn't be in the room. I don't care how quietly she asks you to leave, you leave no questions asked. Every faint noise, temperature, blanket, etc could be a distraction!

Same with breastfeeding! Every time it can be very different! In order to get anything accomplished there is a need for space and privacy. I cannot stress that enough. It will make things actually doable. You can't expect it to be easy, it won't be if you don't allow for space and privacy.

I've been told I'm too nice. Looking at my face, I can see why people would say that. I am the type of person to be nice and not take their actions personally. Some people don't want to change for the better. That is not my problem, that's theirs. I am responsible for what I do, not what others choose to do. That is why everyone's life looks so different from each other. Some people really have nothing better to do than to look at what others are doing, that they do nothing productive. Just wasting theirs and other people's time. I'm responsible for raising my children and making sure they grow up healthy. Everyone older than me are just choosing to be the way they are. They've subconsciously chosen what their face looks like.

how you "speak"

Latest obsession is love languages. 

What's yours? What do you need. Makes sense, compatibility is works best when things come natural to us. Each plant needs a different environments, cactus, trees, shrubs, grass, so do people.

Mental health is important and find out the love language of your family and friends

Monday, October 12, 2020


A toast to health

Your environment determines your health. That boils down to a few simple components: the quality, including the food you eat, the type of food and how it's prepared and your mindset literally. People who change beyond reaching adulthood is based on the environment in which they are in, including their thoughts. That's the difference between illness and longevity, as well as gracefully aging. There are things you can do to reverse aging including illness. Think of an animal, no one knows the age of an animal once it's no longer a baby unless it's on the brink of death. That's because they eat according to how their body is designed.

The difference between carnivores vs omnivores and herbivores are differences such as length of colon, size of incisors, and even acidity of stomach juices. The environment can change how a person's nose forms which directly can be affected by how one breathes. Each mammal or warm blooded animals nose is fit for the region in which they live and can change based on their lifestyle.
This does not change if you have plastic surgery. Notice how people who have plastic surgery to fix something, yet their face keeps growing a certain way, even afterwards? Probably not the best to get plastic surgery, especially while you are young, the body starts to short circuit a bit, unfortunately.

I just wanted to share my insight of all the things I've learned, across cultures what is consistent with health. In modern society it's all about cutting out the sickness or issue and in ancient civilizations it was about healing from the inside out. Your body keeps score and it doesn't discriminate based on your race. Slightly variations and environment also mutates based on environment, so you will see slightly exaggerated differences in remote villages where they have a concentrated way of living and usually unaltered lifestyle compared to the wide variety of modern changes.

You don't have to go back to the stone age but I'm convinced your health is dependent on the amount of garbage you throw away, lots of packaged foods are highly processed versions of food and we should avoid them as much as possible. For our health and our global health.

What will help
- Minimalist consuming examples:
- Capsule wardrobe
Vegan as much as possible 5 meals max per month that contains any animal products or ASK companies to not put dairy in their spaghetti sauce etc if you dont make your own
- floors that have rugs is better than wall to wall carpet
- skip using the dishwasher it wastes a lot of energy, I grew up using one but that's because I didnt have a way to wash them anyway else and there was a crap ton of dirty dishes before and after dinner (yes, literal nightmare)
- upcycle and only buy things that will be used and aren't going to be clutter
- meal plan! This is something I have not always done but for me, it's a life saver. Even if you just cook for yourself at least try it because there will be much less food wasted, food expires and you can reduce food being thrown out by planning out your weekly meals!
- people like to buy leather and specifically cheap leather is made out of stray dogs and even pets that company workers find in other countries, so what you buy really does matter!
- there are so many little things the add up to big changes
- I'm sure are a bunch more things that aren't currently on the tip of my tongue but every little baby step counts!
- remember environment effects your health, these changes matter. You can find variations of these standards in every religion across the globe, how they interpret them is vastly different but the direction is the same!