Tuesday, October 27, 2020

ee nee mee nee

What's your favorite food?

My taste hasn't changed much from when I was a child. Only difference is I like eating at home compared to when I was little, but that's probably because of my parents choices in food more than my own. I didn't learn to cook from them either. I remember my uncle and his girlfriend at the time showing me a few simple recipes that were good to make when you were hungry and lazy.

When I lived in California it was diverse in food options, but I have always been a picky eater. I think when I was in Monterey, I ordered artichoke soup, it was perfect. I used to eat an Asian soup that had meat in it, I haven't figured how I could recreate that without meat but it was my favorite meal when I was little, I only had it a few times a year. I liked vegan food specifically Hispanic cuisine/burritos. My earliest memory was eating stir fry and a children's combination plate at a Mexican restaurant when I was about 3 years old. I also remember eating lots of sticks of cheese, I feel bad for little me. I can't believe I ate so much darn cheese. Another memory was when I ordered a bento box at this restaurant in Santa Cruz and veggie sushi. I wouldn't eat raw fish much. I liked pickled ginger but would skip the wasabi.

Veggies, tofu, noodles, and fruit are what I am always in the mood for. Mostly savory dishes with a hint of heat, sweet, sour or salty.

My children are picky eaters but they also haven't had a lot of ethnic dishes like I have either, at least not yet. They like simple meals, so at least it isn't difficult to make everyday.

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