Friday, October 15, 2021


Weird how a lot of things that were my favorite something from when I was a kid, it is hard to remember the names. It would help if it was in English. I remember dreaming in another language as a kid, that is a weird glitch in the matrix. Language is weird because every language has it's own personality beyond the culture.

When it comes to packaged food, the UK has the best quality standards. I think the US is second to them. I think it's important to make your own food or buy from the US most of the time in terms of keeping things within the local economy.

Cold weather equals treats in my book. I want cozy yummy treats.

Thursday, October 7, 2021


Apparently everyone has a love language

Let's see...what's my love language?
Well one is food, hahaha. If any of my kids give me food to I guess that counts as gift giving
Hmmm... definitely quality time