Thursday, March 16, 2017


So I feel refreshed this year!

I haven't been on here for a reason and that reason is because last year, I had a mid life crisis! Something about being in your thirties maybe? Nothing was "good" enough, that is how I came across. Which is surprising because I usually don't feel that way unless I'm preggo with one of my boys, I become a bit critical. 

Anyhoo, I got through it and feel great again! I revamped my routine with educating kids. I'm enthusiastic about it again which is good because it felt so grueling as in long and lengthy the days felt.  I pulled through mentally and we made strides in meeting my summer school goals!

So much progress personally and so much growth but didn't feel achievement until this year! I haven't heard of anyone else having a mid life crisis in real life so I felt isolated what I was going through. I'm just so happy the feelings have passed.

Spring is sprung and I LOVE spring cleaning! With as many kids as I have, I need to love it! I stopped using the dishwasher awhile back and am so glad! I hate doing dishes with a dishwasher!! I love having a machine for laundry but for dishes I don't feel they do a better job than when I hand wash them.

I am obsessed with shopping online. I love it because I LOVE to window shop and PLAN what I really want/need before I get it.Worst feeling is to buy something and realize you don't love it, I hate wasting time. Example: I will make a list online and buy a year's supply of bath and kitchen staples. 

Plus, I'm a homebody and a minimalist and I love to shop from home. Literally living on their own....I will be sending them stuff for their living space, all the essentials!

This has been another thing that has kept me sane. I worry about finishing a task and it feels like I am procrastinating when I can't finish a future event, it's maddening really. So being able to pretend I am living it now by planning all the details, even though I like to EDIT a lot, it helps spare my nerves. It doesn't make sense to anyone else but I've had this compulsion my whole life! As a kid I'd get midnight cleaning urges, very random and in spurts!

So yay to all things happy!

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