Thursday, August 17, 2017


Over the years I have not been mindful in consumption, at least not 100%.
I do shop online for everything. I forget that I'm usually feeding a corporate store, rather than just supporting a favorite product at it's core. Completely loose respect for corporations that try to be a monopoly. There is plenty of room for everyone and the sacrifice of community is not worth the system that is currently accepted.

If you really love a specific brand. Buy directly from their company website instead of buying from a big box chain. I don't believe stores should have to deal with RUDE customers and customers shouldn't have to deal with workers who don't want to be there.

If stores want to succeed, they need to become like gas stations/dollar stores, either with specialty items or with basic necessities. So much waste because so much is thrown away, stop making things that are heavily processed with man made chemicals. We can do without sweat shops, factory farms and child labor. We need clean air and less landfills.

So many people will complain about things but don't offer real, concrete, innovative solutions. Real solutions have a master plan that can be used to spark real change, most people don't take the time to problem solve and find ones that will work the best without chaos and war. They aren't interesting enough to come up with peaceful solutions.

In a world where everyone made minimum wage. There would still be people who can't budget their money, still wasteful, trying to outdo their neighbor. Proof that people don't try to create better solutions, they just complain and hope someone else fixes everything. It turns into a toxic "sibling rivalry" scenario that is a disgusting way to bring up the next generation who in turn will be taking care and looking out for you.

The next generation should be looked as treasures who's mind should be encouraged to share it's brilliance with the world, not as tax payers who line your pockets at the expense of the future's potential to create a more vibrant and harmonious world to live in.

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